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1、<p>  畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)外文翻譯</p><p>  題 目: </p><p>  學(xué) 院: 數(shù)理與信息學(xué)院 </p><p>  學(xué)生姓名: </p><p>  專 業(yè): 計算機

2、科學(xué)與技術(shù) </p><p>  班 級: </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師: </p><p>  起止日期: 2013.3.29至2013.6.18 </p><p>  2013年4月26日</p><

3、;p><b>  Paper1</b></p><p>  Extreme Programming</p><p>  As we have explored in several issues of eAD , the two most pressing issues in information technology today are: How

4、do we deliver functionality to business clients quickly?  How do we keep up with near-continuous change? </p><p>  Change is changing. Not only does the pace of change continue to accelerate,

5、but, as the September issue of eAD pointed out, organizations are having to deal with different types of change -- disruptive change and punctuated equilibrium. Disruptive technologies, like personal computers in the ear

6、ly 1980s, impact an industry (in the case of PCs, several related industries), while a punctuated equilibrium - a massive intervention into an ecosystem or an economy -- impacts a very large number of sp</p><p

7、>  When whole business models are changing, when time-to-market becomes the mantra of companies, when flexibility and interconnectedness are demanded from even the most staid organization, it is then that we must exam

8、ine every aspect of how business is managed, customers are delighted, and products are developed. </p><p>  The Extreme Programming movement has been a subset of the object-oriented (OO) programming com

9、munity for several years, but has recently attracted more attention, especially with the recent release of Kent Beck''s new book Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change . Don''t be put off by the so

10、mewhat "in-your- face" moniker of Extreme Programming (XP to practitioners). Although Beck doesn''t claim that practices such as pair programming and incremental planning originated with XP, there are s

11、</p><p>  There is a tendency, particularly by rigorous methodologists, to dismiss anything less ponderous than the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) or maybe the International Organization</p><p>

12、;  for Standardization''s standards, as hacking. The connotation: hacking promotes doing rather than thinking and therefore results in low quality. This is an easy way to dismiss practices that conflict with one&

13、#39;'s own assumptions about the world. </p><p>  Looked at another way, XP may be a potential piece of a puzzle I''ve been writing about over the past 18 months. Turbulent times give rise t

14、o new problems that, in turn, give rise to new practices -- new practices that often fly in the face of conventional wisdom but survive because they are better adapted to the new reality. There are at least four practice

15、s I would assign to this category: </p><p>  XP -- the focus of this issue of eAD  </p><p>  Lean development -- discussed in the November 1998 issue of eAD </p><p

16、>  Crystal Light methods -- mentioned in the November 1999 issue of eAD and further discussed in this issue .</p><p>  Adaptive software development

17、-- described in the August 1998 issue of eAD (then called Application Development Strategies -- ADS ). </p><p>  Although there are differences in each of these p

18、ractices, there are also similarities: they each describe variations from the conventional wisdom about how to approach software development. Whereas lean and adaptive development practices target strategic and project m

19、anagement, XP brings its differing world view to the realm of the developer and tester. </p><p>  Much of XP is derived from good practices that have been around for a long time. "None of the ideas

20、 in XP are new. Most are as old as programming," Beck offers to readers in the preface to his book. I might differ with Beck in one respect: although the practices XP uses aren''t new, the conceptual foundat

21、ion and how they are melded together greatly enhance these "older" practices. I think there are four critical ideas to take away from XP (in addition to a number of other good ideas): </p><p>

22、  The cost of change </p><p>  Refactoring </p><p>  Collaboration </p><p>  Simplicity  </p><p>  But first, I discuss some XP basics: the doz

23、en practices that define XP. </p><p><b>  XP-Basic</b></p><p>  I must admit that one thing I like about XP''s principal figures is their lack of pretension. XP proponen

24、ts are careful to articulate where they think XP is appropriate and where it is not. While practitioners like Beck and Ron Jeffries may envision that XP has wider applicability, they are generally circumspect about their

25、 claims. For example, both are clear about XP''s applicability to small (less than 10 people), co-located teams (with which they have direct experience); they don''t try to co</p><p>  The Pr

26、oject </p><p>  The most prominent XP project reported on to date is the Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation system (the C3 project) that was initiated in the mid-1990s and converted to an XP project in

27、 1997. Jeffries, one of the "Three Extremoes" (with Beck and Ward Cunningham), and I spent several hours talking about the C3 project and other XP issues at the recent Miller Freeman Software Developer conferen

28、ce in Washington, DC, USA. </p><p>  Originally, the C3 project was conceived as an OO programming project, specifically using Smalltalk. Beck, a well-known Smalltalk expert, was called in to consult on

29、 Smalltalk performance optimization, and the project was transformed into a pilot of OO (XP) practices after the original project was deemed unreclaimable. Beck brought in Jeffries to assist on a more full-time basis, an

30、d Jeffries worked with the C3 team until spring 1999. The initial requirements were to handle the monthly payroll o</p><p>  As we talked, I asked Jeffries how success on the C3 project translated into XP us

31、e on other Chrysler IT projects. His grin told me all I needed to know. I''ve been involved in enough rapid application development (RAD) projects for large IT organizations over the years to understand why succe

32、ss does not consistently translate into acceptance. There are always at least a hundred very good reasons why success at RAD, or XP, or lean development, or other out-of-the-box approaches doesn''t translat</p

33、><p>  Practices </p><p>  One thing to keep in mind is that XP practices are intended for use with small, co-located teams. They therefore tend toward minimalism, at least as far as artifacts

34、 other than code and test cases are concerned. The presentation of XP''s practices have both positive and negative aspect At one level, they sound like rules -- do this, don''t do that. Beck explains that

35、 the practices are more like guidelines than rules, guidelines that are pliable depending on the situation. However, some, like the</p><p><b>  Paper 2</b></p><p>  Flash is a powerf

36、ul web technology that achieves a high level of visual impact from the graphical point of view. Unfortunately, it is widely misused in web design. There are still many problems with Flash, especially related to usability

37、 and search engine behaviour; we need to thoroughly understand what those problems are before we decide to use Flash for our site.</p><p>  As with any business decision, it all boils down to understanding w

38、hat our target audience wants. </p><p>  If you want to make a big impression from a graphical point of view, Flash is definitely a good approach. However, concrete evidence still points to the fact that mos

39、t web users utilize the web to find information, and what they regard most important is: </p><p>  a) quality of content </p><p>  b) ease of navigation, and </p><p>  c) speed. <

40、;/p><p>  Users also consider the web a highly interactive medium: they are unlikely to watch a computer screen for long periods of time without giving some sort of input. </p><p>  Flash technolog

41、y presents several problems that go against the way most people use the web. For example: </p><p>  ? Bandwidth and Load Time Constrains: Sites designed with Flash take a long time to download and consume v

42、ast amounts of bandwidth. Not all users have a broadband connection. Flash forces users with dial-up connections to spend valuable time watching the load bar, instead of getting to the information they want, fast. </p

43、><p>  ? Usability Constrains: When you navigate a Flash site designed with a older version, the back button does not work: instead of taking you to the previous screen, it will get you out of the Flash site.

44、Also, the standard colors for visited and unvisited links will not work, and users have no control over the text size they want to use. </p><p>  ? Furthermore, many times Flash sites go against the interac

45、tive nature of the web. Since Flash technology favors a "presentation style" approach that resembles television, users are many times reduced to mere observers that get bored after a while, no matter how good t

46、he graphics look. </p><p>  ? Search Engine Constrains: Although large search engines like Google now have some Flash indexing capabilities, these are still very limited. You will definetely have a hard tim

47、e achieving high rankings with a Flash site. One option around this problem is to design a second, search-engine-friendly HTML version of your site. This, though, usually represents an unnecessary expense in both time an

48、d money, since in most cases the HTML version alone will get the job done. </p><p>  Although few, there are some instances when Flash technology can actually be helpful: </p><p>  a) When you n

49、eed to show a presentation, for example a demo of your product. </p><p>  b) To develop interactive games, like those found on sites for kids like Sesame Street, Nickelodeum, or Yahoo! Games. </p><

50、;p>  c ) When you want to dress up a minimalist site. In this case, a small Flash animation or banner embedded in an HTML document will not consume excessive bandwidth, will load fast, and will enhance the appearance

51、of a bare-bones site. </p><p>  Although Macromedia (the company that developed Flash) is actively working to improve Flash's usability problems (they even formed a partnership with usability guru Jakob

52、Nielsen in 2002), issues like slow downloads and search engine un-friendliness still remain a problem. Until these issues are addressed and solved, you will be better-off by only using Flash in those rare instances when

53、it actually enhances the value of your contentPaper 1翻譯</p><p><b>  極限編程</b></p><p>  正如我們在eAD的若干期中探究的那樣,當(dāng)今信息技術(shù)中最迫切的兩個問題是: </p><p>  如何能快速地向商業(yè)用戶交付功能?</p><

54、;p>  如何才能跟上近乎連續(xù)的變化? </p><p>  變化本身也在不斷地變化中。不僅僅是變化的速度在不斷地提高,而且,如eAD的10月中所指出的, 組織正在不得不應(yīng)付各種類型的變化-- 劇變與不斷被打破的平衡。 產(chǎn)生劇變的技術(shù),象在80年代早期的個人計算機,沖擊了一個工業(yè)(PC機以及若干相關(guān)的工業(yè))而不時打斷的平衡--一個對生態(tài)系統(tǒng)或者對整個經(jīng)濟產(chǎn)生巨大影響的介入--則 影響了無數(shù)的物種,

55、或者說,公司。已經(jīng)成為電子商務(wù)支柱的Internet, 就已使大范圍的行業(yè)產(chǎn)生劇變--更多的是打斷的平衡而不僅僅是一次劇變。 </p><p>  當(dāng)整個商業(yè)模式正在發(fā)生變化,當(dāng)"時間意味著市場"正成為公司的咒語,當(dāng)適應(yīng)性與互連性正在成為甚至是最呆板的組織的需要的時候,我們將有必要檢查以下的每一個方面:商業(yè)是如何管理的,客戶為什么而感到高興,以及產(chǎn)品是如何開發(fā)的。 <

56、/p><p>  終極編程(Extreme Programming )運動成為面向?qū)ο缶幊踢@個團體的一部分已經(jīng)有數(shù)年了, 但是直到最近才引起了越來越多的注意,特別是最近Kent Beck的《終極編程 釋義:擁抱變化》(Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change)一書的出版。千萬不要因為終極編程(業(yè)內(nèi)人簡稱為XP)這一稱呼而對它產(chǎn)生反感。 盡管Beck沒有說象配對編程(p

57、air programming),增量式計劃(incremental planning)之類的來源 于XP,但是仍然有一些非常有趣的,我認(rèn)為也是很重要的概念可以借用XP來表達?,F(xiàn)有有許多關(guān)于變化的討論, 但是XP卻有許多如何實際去做的非常好的想法。也就是這個副標(biāo)題:擁抱變化。 </p><p>  有一種趨勢,特別在那些嚴(yán)格的方法論者中,希望剔除那些與"能力 成熟度模型"(Capab

58、ility Maturity Model CMM)或者是國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化組織的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)相比不那么笨重的方法,比如象hacking.注釋: hacking推崇行動而不是思考從而導(dǎo)致了較低的質(zhì)量。 剔除與某人關(guān)于這個世界的假設(shè)相沖突的實踐,這倒不失為一種簡單的方法。 </p><p>  從另一個角度來看XP,它倒可能是一個難題的某個潛在的部分,這個一個我在過去18個月中一直都在寫的內(nèi)容?;靵y 的時期產(chǎn)生新的問題,而

59、后者又導(dǎo)致了新的實踐--新的實踐公然違抗 傳統(tǒng)的知識,但卻得以幸存下來是因為它們能更好地適應(yīng)這個新的現(xiàn)實世界。至少有四種實踐方式我覺得是屬于這個范疇的: </p><p>  XP -- eAD本期的焦點</p><p>  輕量級的開發(fā)(Lean development)--已經(jīng)在eAD 1998 11月中討論 </p><p>  輕量級的C

60、rystal方法(Crystal Light methods)--曾在eAD 1999年11月提到,在本期中將做進一步的討論 </p><p>  自適應(yīng)軟件開發(fā)(Adaptive software development)--在eAD1998年8月中描述過(當(dāng)時叫做應(yīng)用開發(fā)策略Application Development Strategies -- ADS) </p><

61、;p>  盡管這些實踐中存在著差異,但是它們中也有相似的地方:它們都描述了與傳統(tǒng)軟件開發(fā)不同的方法。 雖然輕量級的開發(fā)與自適應(yīng)開發(fā)針對的是戰(zhàn)略與項目管理的,但是XP卻用不同的視角將開發(fā)方法帶入了程序員與測試員的領(lǐng)域。 </p><p>  XP中許多部分其實都來自于業(yè)已存在的那些優(yōu)秀的開發(fā)實踐。"XP中沒有一個想法是全新的。大多數(shù)想法產(chǎn)生的時間實際上和編程一樣古老"Beck在他

62、書中的前言中這樣說道。但是我在某一個方面考慮的也許與Beck有所不同: 盡管XP所用的實踐方式不是全新的,但是概念的建立以及它們?nèi)绾稳诤显谝黄饦O大地增強了 這些"老"的實踐。我想(除了許多其它的好思想外,還)可以從XP中提煉出四個關(guān)鍵的思想: 變化的成本 重構(gòu) 協(xié)作 簡單化但是 首先,我們來討論XP的基礎(chǔ):那十二個用于XP的實踐方式。</p><p&g

63、t;<b>  XP-基礎(chǔ) </b></p><p>  我必須承認(rèn)一件事情,就是我喜歡XP的原因應(yīng)該是它沒有其他的那些花哨的東西。支持XP的人們總是會向你指出XP適合的地方以及他的某些局限性。而XP的實踐者Beck以及Ron Jeffties卻相信XP會有更廣泛的應(yīng)用前景。他們通常對于自己的要求都是很謹(jǐn)慎的。例如:小的(小于10人),公司局部(他們有直接的經(jīng)驗)兩者對于XP的適應(yīng)

64、性都是很清楚的;他們并沒有試圖讓人們相信XP可以適用于一個200人的團隊。</p><p><b>  工程 </b></p><p>  最為著名的XP項目是克萊斯勒綜合補償系統(tǒng)(稱為C3工程),它在上個世紀(jì)的90年代中期開始,到1997演變?yōu)閄P。Jeffries,是"終極編程三人組"之一(另外兩個是Beck同Ward Cunning

65、ham) 。我在華盛頓特區(qū)同自由軟件人談?wù)摿擞嘘P(guān)C3的以及其他與XP項目有關(guān)的東西。 </p><p>  最初,C3是一個基于OO(面向?qū)ο蠹夹g(shù))的開發(fā)項目,尤其是它采用Smaltalk語言進行開發(fā)。(Smaltalk :Xerox公司開發(fā)的一種高級程序設(shè)計語言,它支持和鼠標(biāo)合用的選項屏驅(qū)動式應(yīng)用程序,有助于建立便于使用的計算機程序。)作為著名的Smalltalk專家,Beck被邀請來討論有關(guān)Smal

66、Talk性能優(yōu)化的問題,并且在原項目被認(rèn)為不可救要的時候?qū)⑵渥優(yōu)橐粋€采用面向?qū)ο驩O(XP)方法的試驗性項目。Beck并且?guī)砹薐effries用于幫助那些基本的東西,Jeffries在C3組一直干到1999年的春天。最開始的需求是要做一個對約10,000個雇員每月薪水發(fā)放進行管理的系統(tǒng)。這個系統(tǒng)由大約2,000個類以及30,000個方法構(gòu)成,并且在計劃方面提供有合理的容忍度  正向我們所談到,我問Jeffries他怎

67、樣成功的將C3變?yōu)閄P并應(yīng)用到其他的克萊斯勒IT項目。他笑著告訴了我。多年來我為許多大型IT組織開發(fā)了不少RAD系統(tǒng)(快速原型開發(fā)),因此我知道為什么我們無法將成功的經(jīng)驗運用于其它項目中. 對于RAD, XP, 輕量級的開發(fā)以及其它一些未得到廣泛應(yīng)用的方法, 它們成功的原</p><p><b>  實踐 </b></p><p>  應(yīng)記住的一件事情就是我

68、們應(yīng)傾向于在小型的, 局部的團隊中運用XP。除了代碼與測試用例外, 盡量減少有些的影響。XP的實踐既有正面的表現(xiàn),也有負(fù)面的。在某些方面看來,他們聽起來就像一堆規(guī)則,要做這個,不要做那個。對此Beck解釋道, 與規(guī)則相比, XP更像是指導(dǎo)方針,一個靈活的依賴于具體環(huán)境的開發(fā)方針。但是諸如"每周工作40小時"等看起來可能會感覺續(xù)續(xù)道道。Jeffries使得實踐也會互相作用的,平衡,互相加強。以至于挑選使用的同丟棄的都是

69、棘手的事情。 </p><p>  Paper 2 翻譯</p><p>  Flash是一種功能強大的網(wǎng)站設(shè)計技術(shù),從繪圖學(xué)觀點來說,F(xiàn)lash確實能產(chǎn)生高水平的視覺影響力。然而,很多網(wǎng)站亂用Flash技術(shù),致使網(wǎng)站出現(xiàn)某些運行問題。在可用性以及與搜索引擎的關(guān)系方面,F(xiàn)lash仍然存在自身的缺點,所以在運用Flash以前,我們需要首先了解它可能引發(fā)的幾個問題。</p>

70、;<p>  在做任何業(yè)務(wù)決策之前,都必須考慮目標(biāo)客戶的需要。</p><p>  從繪圖學(xué)觀點來說,如果希望網(wǎng)站給客戶留下深刻的印象,使用Flash就是一種好方法。然而,很多實事證明:大部分用戶只是利用網(wǎng)站搜索信息,它們認(rèn)為網(wǎng)站最重要的是:</p><p><b>  a內(nèi)容質(zhì)量</b></p><p>  b簡便的導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng),以

71、及</p><p><b>  c下載速度</b></p><p>  同時,用戶認(rèn)為網(wǎng)絡(luò)是一種互動媒體:他們不會長時間瀏覽電腦屏幕,肯定要輸入相關(guān)內(nèi)容。</p><p>  Flash技術(shù)會引發(fā)幾個問題,在網(wǎng)站運行中,會給大多數(shù)用戶帶來麻煩。</p><p>  帶寬與下載時間的限制:用Flash技術(shù)設(shè)計的網(wǎng)站,占用大

72、量的寬帶空間,下載速度很慢。一定記?。翰⒉皇撬杏脩舳祭脤拵暇W(wǎng)。在登錄Flash網(wǎng)站時,電話撥號上網(wǎng)的用戶必須花費寶貴時間觀看下載條,而不能快速獲取需要的信息。</p><p>  可用性限制:用老版本Flash設(shè)計的網(wǎng)站,后退鍵沒有作用:點擊后退鍵會使你退出Flash網(wǎng)站,而不是返回上一層網(wǎng)頁。同時,鏈接以及非鏈接的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)顏色會發(fā)生改變,并且用戶須控制需要利用的文本尺寸。而且,F(xiàn)lash 經(jīng)常帶來網(wǎng)站交互問題

73、。由于Flash支持類似于電視的呈現(xiàn)模式方法,所以用戶經(jīng)常作為觀賞者出現(xiàn)。不管畫面多么精美,過一段時間,用戶就會對內(nèi)容產(chǎn)生厭煩。</p><p>  搜索引擎的限制:盡管像Google這樣的大型搜索引擎,現(xiàn)在具備了對Flash做索引的能力,但搜索內(nèi)容仍然非常有限,所以Flash網(wǎng)站不會在搜索引擎中獲得好的排名。解決這個問題的一種方法是:利用HTML設(shè)計網(wǎng)站,這樣的網(wǎng)站會有一個好的排名。利用Flash設(shè)計網(wǎng)站,會增

74、加不必要的金錢和時間開支,其實 HTML網(wǎng)頁就可以完成所有的功能。</p><p>  盡管Flash存在以上幾個缺點,但它同樣有自己的優(yōu)點:</p><p>  a可以運用Flash,展示內(nèi)容,比如:展示公司樣品。</p><p>  b開發(fā)互動游戲時,可以運用Flash,比如:Sesame Street、 Nickelodeum, 、Yahoo! Games等兒

75、童游戲,都使用了Flash</p><p>  c當(dāng)你想裝飾簡約網(wǎng)站時,你可以運用小型Flash動畫,或者在HTML文件中插入標(biāo)語性質(zhì)的Flash,這樣不會占用過多的寬帶空間,下載速度很快,并且可以增加網(wǎng)站的觀賞性。</p><p>  盡管,Macromedia(Flash開發(fā)公司)正在積極采取方法改善Flash的可用性問題(甚至在2002年組成以網(wǎng)站可用性研究專家Jakob Niels


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  • 3. 本站RAR壓縮包中若帶圖紙,網(wǎng)頁內(nèi)容里面會有圖紙預(yù)覽,若沒有圖紙預(yù)覽就沒有圖紙。
  • 4. 未經(jīng)權(quán)益所有人同意不得將文件中的內(nèi)容挪作商業(yè)或盈利用途。
  • 5. 眾賞文庫僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


