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1、<p><b>  中文4510字</b></p><p>  標(biāo)題:The State of Celebrity Endorsement in Sport</p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p&g

2、t;  Sport endorsers were present in 11% of all television advertisements in 1995,receiving more than $1 billion dollars from U.S. companies for their services. Along with several positive advertising campaigns, there hav

3、e been some less successful efforts involving celebrities as spokespersons. The most recent and vivid occurrence is O.J. Simpson and his endorsem</p><p>  ent with Hertz Rental cars. This article describes t

4、he advantages and disadvantages of celebrity-based advertising in sport and examines future directions for this marketing approach.</p><p>  Approximately 20% of all television commercials feature a famous p

5、erson from the world of sport, television, movies or musical entertainment. Of the billions of dollars allocated annually for television advertising, approximately 10% is spent on endorsers (Agrawal & Kamakura, 1995)

6、. Many companies have had considerable success using celebrities as spokespersons, especially athletes. In 1995, U.S. companies paid more than $1 billion to 2000 athletes for endorsement deals (Lane, 1996). Sport endor&l

7、t;/p><p>  Advantages of Celebrity Endorsements</p><p>  There are several benefits to having celebrities endorse products or services. Research has indicated that customers are more likely to choo

8、se goods and services endorsed by celebrities than those without such endorsements (Agrawal & Kamakura, 1995). Marketing Evaluations Inc. has compiled a list of 1,500 U.S.-known celebrities with appealing qualities t

9、o consumers. Most of the 1,500 were viewed as familiar and likable (Miciak & Shanklin, 1994).</p><p>  Another advantage to celebrity-based campaigns is that famous people hold the viewer's attention

10、. In this era of sound-bytes and channel surfing, there is a demand for people's time and focus. For instance, a commercial with the WNBA's Lisa Leslie or NHL's Wayne Gretzky is more likely to keep a televisi

11、on remote control clicker on the channel versus a commercial with a local doctor or dentist. People want to see Andre Agassi and others of such celebrity. The third benefit of using celebrity endo</p><p>  D

12、isadvantages of Celebrity Endorsements</p><p>  There are some negative consequences to using sport celebrities as endorsers. The first issue concerns the high financial to secure the big name endorsers. Pep

13、si paid Shaquille O'Neal $25 million to endorse the popular soda product. Tiger Woods received $40 million from Nike to support the company's youth marketing campaign. Although these large companies do not have a

14、 problem spending top dollar necessary to acquire famous personalities, most small companies struggle to afford any celebrities, </p><p>  Another negative aspect is that a company may not be able to get a c

15、elebrity to represent their product exclusively. He/she may endorse several products, sometimes switching their endorsements to rival brands. This happens frequently when trying to secure someone that is well-liked by so

16、ciety and in high demand for product endorsements. As a result, the credibility and trust in the product and the endorser decreases. It also sends a message to the consumer that, "If the endorser won't stick wit

17、h</p><p>  The third and potentially most damaging risk in using high-profile candidates is negative publicity received by an endorser. Some familiar cases include murder charges brought against O.J. Simpson

18、, rape charges and a jail sentence against Mike Tyson and drug charges against Michael Irvin. Hertz, Pepsi, Kodak, Nike and Toyota all felt the consequences of the celebrities' actions. When a negative image of the c

19、elebrity is portrayed, a tarnished picture is also painted for the organization, making </p><p>  Familiarity is the first essential component of an effective endorser. The target market must be aware of the

20、 celebrity, and perceive the person as friendly and likable, and trustworthy.Recognition by the intended audience is more important than being known worldwide. The next component of FRED is relevance. There should be som

21、e link between the promoter and the product, as well as between the promoter and the audience. An example outside the world of sport effectively illustrates this point. It</p><p>  The third FRED principle d

22、eals with esteem. Consumers must have the utmost respect for the celebrity in order for the commercial or promotion to be credible. Those viewed by society as prestigious include sport figures Peggy Fleming, Don Shula, T

23、om Landry, and Julius Erving. The public has great respect for them, in part, because of their distinguished careers but also because they endorse relatively few products. Further, the products they do agree to endorse a

24、re of the highest industry standar</p><p>  Differentiation is the final component of FRED. The public must see the endorser as different from all the rest. If there is no perceived disparity among celebriti

25、es, then the strategy is not worthwhile. Michael Jordan is an example of a celebrity that stands apart from the normal athlete, one of the contributing factors to his success as an endorser. These FRED principles are not

26、 guarantees to success, but can serve as guidelines when selecting a spokesperson. Each organization and its objectiv</p><p>  Future Directions</p><p>  Sport is an integral part of our society

27、, and many advertisers have found that sport stars can effectively differentiate their products from others. In general, the success of sport celebrity endorsement is due to the growing interest in sport. In the last 20

28、years, there have been significant increases in the number of children playing sport, as well as in the dollars invested in televising and sponsoring sport. While there are several risks involved in using celebrity endor

29、sers the continued p</p><p>  Avia and Hertz have stopped using athletes in their advertising campaigns. Avia is targeting their advertising primarily toward women. They have de-emphasized athletics by havin

30、g one commercial staged in a grocery store. Hertz has also elected not to use professional athletes,but their action came as a result of the O.J. Simpson embarrassment. These companies appear to be in the minority with r

31、espect to their decisions to discontinue using sport endorsers</p><p>  出處:Amy Dyson and Douglas Turco (Illinois State University) cyber journal of sport marketing</p><p>  標(biāo)題:國家體育中的名人代言</p&g

32、t;<p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p><b>  摘要</b></p><p>  1995年,體育代言人所代言的廣告占所有廣告的11%,僅僅在美國創(chuàng)造了10億美元的價值。隨著一系列的廣告的積極宣傳活動,也出現(xiàn)了一些涉及到名人代言的不成功的活動。最近,最明顯的例子就是O.J.辛普森和他的代言活動。</p>

33、;<p>  文章中介紹了以名人為基礎(chǔ)代言體育廣告優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),并探討這種營銷方式的未來方向。</p><p>  大約20%的廣告代言,是從是體育,電視,電影或音樂娛樂界的知名人。以美元為單位計價,每年花在電視廣告中的費(fèi)用有10億,而其中有10%是支付在代言人的代言費(fèi)用之上(Agrawal & Kamakura, 1995)。許多公司都使用了相當(dāng)?shù)某晒γ俗鳛榇匀?,特別是運(yùn)動員。從1995到2

34、000年,美國公司支付了10億美元給聘請的運(yùn)動員當(dāng)做代言費(fèi)用(Lane, 1996)。同年,運(yùn)動員代言人的代言費(fèi)用占據(jù)了所有電視廣告費(fèi)用的11% (Turner, Bounds, Hauser, Motsinger, Ozmore, & Smith, 1995)。高檔的運(yùn)動明星代言人的例子包括Sheryl Swopes,Deion桑德斯,喬丹和杰克遜代言的耐克,奧尼爾代言的銳步,伍茲代言的勞力士,和康納斯代言的布洛芬。隨著廣告行

35、業(yè)的不斷發(fā)展,也有過幾次不太成功的涉及的名人作為代言人的營銷活動。最明顯的例子是發(fā)生在O.J.辛普森和他代言的赫茲租車。本文的目的是描述名人代言的的優(yōu)點(diǎn)和缺點(diǎn),并討論未來的發(fā)展方向這一營銷方式。</p><p><b>  名人代言的優(yōu)勢</b></p><p>  明星代言產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)有幾個很明顯的好處。研究表明,相對與沒有明星代言的產(chǎn)品,消費(fèi)者更傾向去選擇那些有明星

36、代言的產(chǎn)品(Agrawal & Kamakura, 1995)。而且市場評估公司選取了1500名對消費(fèi)者有吸引力的高素質(zhì)的代言人,這1500個都是非常著名有親和力的代言人 (Miciak & Shanklin, 1994)。</p><p>  另一個基于名人代言競爭策略的優(yōu)勢是名人更容易吸引消費(fèi)者的注意力,在這樣一個以聲音和沖浪通道為基礎(chǔ)的信息時代,人們的閑暇時間和注意力會產(chǎn)生一種消費(fèi)需求。例如


38、越大。(Miciak & Shanklin, 1994).</p><p><b>  名人代言的缺點(diǎn)</b></p><p>  利用體育明星作為明星代言人還有很多缺點(diǎn),第一個是設(shè)計金融方面,企業(yè)需要高昂的成本來維持明星代言費(fèi)用,百事可樂支付奧尼爾2500萬美元用來代言汽水產(chǎn)品。老虎伍茲從耐克得到4000萬美元,以支持該公司的青年營銷活動。盡管一些大公司不用


40、0萬美元,他們不僅失去了代言人和廣告費(fèi)用,并且還要承擔(dān)高額費(fèi)用來尋找一個替代代言人。(Lane, 1996). </p><p>  另一個不利的因素就是,公司聘請的代言人可能代言了不止一種產(chǎn)品。他們有可能代言幾種產(chǎn)品,有時候甚至代言企業(yè)競爭對手的產(chǎn)品。這種情況經(jīng)常發(fā)生,因?yàn)槿藗兌际窍矚g選擇那些有知名代言人代言的有良好的品質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品。最終導(dǎo)致人們對代言人的信譽(yù)以及產(chǎn)品變得不信任。同時,這也將一個信息傳遞給消費(fèi)者“為

41、什么要選擇名人代言的品牌”。賽車手杰夫戈登就是一個例子,他當(dāng)時代言了很多產(chǎn)品,消費(fèi)者最后認(rèn)為他的代言不是可信的。</p><p>  在利用名人代言的第三的不利之處就是名人本身的負(fù)面消息。這其中一些熟悉的案例包括因殺人罪被捕的辛普森,因強(qiáng)奸罪和毒品被指控的泰森,以及邁克爾歐文監(jiān)禁。赫茲,百事可樂,柯達(dá),耐克和豐田都承受過名人負(fù)面新聞所帶來的的不良后果。當(dāng)名人的負(fù)面新聞被公開,將會使其很難得到消費(fèi)者的信任,同時也開

42、始不愿意購買他所代言的產(chǎn)品。雖然沒有辦法保證這些名人不出現(xiàn)負(fù)面新聞,導(dǎo)致這些不利的事件發(fā)生,但是在很多情況下可以先對名人進(jìn)行評估,以確定他們是否有發(fā)生這些負(fù)面事件的傾向。</p><p>  一旦名人代言的廣告的各方面被社會評估,公司必須選擇是否要采取相應(yīng)的戰(zhàn)略。如果決定繼續(xù)作出決定,那么一個成功的代言人選拔的基礎(chǔ)在于李華明提出由已知的四個概念的縮寫,李華明花費(fèi)600萬美元的采訪世界各地的30,000人的研究結(jié)果

43、,找品牌及其廣告的努力取得成功和失敗的原因。這其中就是熟悉,相關(guān)性,自尊和分化,(Miciak&尚克林,1994)。</p><p>  熟悉是第一個有效的代言人的重要組成部分。目標(biāo)市場必須了解的名人,認(rèn)識到他是友好,可愛,可信的人。從中得到的消費(fèi)者的預(yù)期認(rèn)可是非常重要的。第二個條件,相關(guān)性。產(chǎn)品和名人之間應(yīng)該要有一定的相關(guān)聯(lián)系,從而才能啟發(fā)消費(fèi)者。體育界以外的的例子有效地說明這一點(diǎn)。電視明星和代言人Cybill

44、 Shepherd 說,她不吃肉。但是他代言了一個牛人廣告,這無疑是當(dāng)時牛肉產(chǎn)業(yè)代言的一個尷尬。此外,消費(fèi)者認(rèn)同的明星是很重要額。如果消費(fèi)者能與代言人有交集,他們會覺得更容易接受和購買他們所代言的產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)。二像那種棒球聯(lián)盟里頻繁轉(zhuǎn)會的球員和自由球員也會對名人的代言產(chǎn)生不利的影響。</p><p>  第三個是原則是自尊。名人代言商品必須是要符合實(shí)際情況不能做不可信的宣傳。這些被社會認(rèn)可的著名人物包括體育運(yùn)動員弗

45、萊明,唐舒拉,湯姆蘭德里,和歐文。市民對他們非常尊敬,部分是因?yàn)樗麄兘艹龅穆殬I(yè)生涯,也因?yàn)樗麄冎淮粤讼鄬^少的產(chǎn)品。此外,他們代表了代言人的行為標(biāo)準(zhǔn),從而增加了人們對他尊重和消費(fèi)者的信譽(yù)。</p><p>  而分化則是最后一部分。公正需要看到的是名人與大眾的不同之處。如果代言人沒有的這樣的差距,那么這樣的戰(zhàn)略是不值得的。邁克爾喬丹是名人的一個列子。邁克爾喬丹是一個名人,他除了是正常的運(yùn)動員,同時也是成功的代言

46、人的典型的列子。李華明這些原則是不能成功的保證,但可以作為指導(dǎo)方針,選擇一個代言人,每個組織,其目標(biāo)是不同的,應(yīng)以個人為基礎(chǔ)進(jìn)行評估。</p><p><b>  未來方向</b></p><p>  體育是我們社會的組成部分,許多廣告商發(fā)現(xiàn),體育明星可以有效區(qū)分其他產(chǎn)品。一般而言,體育明星代言的成功,是因?yàn)槿藗儗τ谶\(yùn)動的興趣與日俱增。在過去20年來,在電視轉(zhuǎn)播和體育


48、t;<p>  阿維亞和赫茲已經(jīng)停止使用運(yùn)動員代言其廣告活動。阿維亞他們的廣告主要是針對婦女。他們不再強(qiáng)調(diào)通過讓一個商業(yè)體育的一個雜貨店上演。赫茲也選擇不使用專業(yè)的運(yùn)動員,由于辛普森的前車之鑒。這些公司似乎是少數(shù)為了尊重他們自己的決定,停止利用體育代言人。</p><p>  出處:艾米戴森和道格拉斯圖爾科(伊利諾伊州立大學(xué))</p><p><b>  網(wǎng)絡(luò)體育營


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