1、<p> 畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p> 學院 (系): 機械工程系 </p><p> 專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化 </p><p> 姓 名: </p><p> 學 號:
2、 </p><p> 外文出處:High-speed machining and demand </p><p> For the development </p><p> 附 件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文 ;2.外文原文 </p><p>
3、 附件1:外文資料翻譯</p><p> 高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求</p><p> 高速切削加工是當代先進制造技術的重要組成部分,擁有高效率、高精度及高表面質(zhì)量等特征。本文介紹此技術的定義、發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀、適用領域以及中國的需求情況。</p><p> 高速切削加工是面向21世紀的一項高新技術,它以高效率、高精度和高表面質(zhì)量為基本特征,在汽車工業(yè)、航空航天、模具制
4、造和儀器儀表等行業(yè)中獲得了愈來愈廣泛的應用,并已取得了重大的技術經(jīng)濟效益,是當代先進制造技術的重要組成部分。</p><p> 高速切削是實現(xiàn)高效率制造的核心技術,工序的集約化和設備的通用化使之具有很高的生產(chǎn)效率??梢哉f,高速切削加工是一種不增加設備數(shù)量而大幅度提高加工效率所必不可少的技術。高速切削加工的優(yōu)點主要在于:提高生產(chǎn)效率、提高加工精度及降低切削阻力。 </p><p> 有關
5、高速切削加工的含義,目前尚無統(tǒng)一的認識,通常有如下幾種觀點:切削速度很高,通常認為其速度超過普通切削的5-10倍;機床主軸轉速很高,一般將主軸轉速在10000-20000r/min以上定為高速切削;進給速度很高,通常達15-50m/min,最高可達90m/min;對于不同的切削材料和所釆用的刀具材料,高速切削的含義也不盡相同;切削過程中,刀刃的通過頻率(Tooth Passing Frequency)接近于“機床-刀具-工件”系統(tǒng)的主導
6、自然頻率(Dominant Natural Frequency)時,可認為是高速切削??梢姼咚偾邢骷庸な且粋€綜合的概念。</p><p> 1992年,德國Darmstadt工業(yè)大學的H. Schulz教授在CIRP上提出了高速切削加工的概念及其涵蓋的范圍,如圖1所示。認為對于不同的切削對象,圖中所示的過渡區(qū)(Transition)即為通常所謂的高速切削範圍,這也是當時金屬切削工藝相關的技術人員所期待或者可望實
7、現(xiàn)的切削速度。</p><p> 高速切削加工對機床、刀具和切削工藝等方面都有一些具體的要求。下面分別從這幾個方面闡述高速切削加工技術的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀和趨勢。</p><p> 現(xiàn)階段,為了實現(xiàn)高速切削加工,一般釆用高柔性的高速數(shù)控機床、加工中心,也有釆用專用的高速銑、鉆床。這些設備的共同之處是:必須同時具有高速主軸系統(tǒng)和高速進給系統(tǒng),才能實現(xiàn)材料切削過程的高速化。高速切削與傳統(tǒng)切削最大的區(qū)
8、別是,“機床-刀具-工件”系統(tǒng)的動態(tài)特性對切削性能有更強的影響力。在該系統(tǒng)中,機床主軸的剛度、刀柄形式、刀長設定、主軸拉刀力、刀具扭力設定等,都是影響高速切削性能的重要因素。 </p><p> 在高速切削中,材料去除率(Metal Removal Rate,MRR),即單位時間內(nèi)材料被切除的體積,通常受限于“機床-刀具-工件”工藝系統(tǒng)是否出現(xiàn)“顫振”。因此,為了滿足高速切削加工的需求,首先要提高機床動靜剛度尤
9、其是主軸的剛度特性?,F(xiàn)階段高速切削之所以能夠成功,一個很關鍵的因素在于對系統(tǒng)動態(tài)特性問題的掌握和處理能力。</p><p> 為了更好地描述機床主軸的剛度特性,工程上提出新的無量綱參數(shù)—DN值,用以評價機床的主軸結構對高速切削加工的適應性。所謂DN值即“主軸直徑與每分鐘轉速之積”。新近開發(fā)的加工中心主軸DN值大都已超過100萬。為了減輕軸承的重量,還釆用了比鋼制品要輕得多的陶瓷球軸承;軸承潤滑方式大都釆用油氣混
10、合潤滑方式。在高速切削加工領域,目前已開發(fā)空氣軸承和磁軸承以及由磁軸承和空氣軸承合并構成的磁氣/空氣混合主軸。 </p><p> 在機床進給機構方面,高速切削加工所用的進給驅動機構通常都為大導程、多頭高速滾珠絲槓,滾珠釆用小直徑氮化硅(Si3N4)陶瓷球,以減少其離心力和陀螺力矩;釆用空心強冷技術來減少高速滾珠絲槓運轉時由于摩擦產(chǎn)生溫升而造成的絲槓熱變形。</p><p> 近幾年來
12、達2-10G(G為重力加速度),最大進給速度可達60-200m/min或更高。</p><p> 2002年舉世矚目的上海浦東磁懸浮列車工程中的磁浮軌道鋼梁加工,釆用沈陽機床控股有限公司集團中捷友誼公司廠生產(chǎn)的超長進給系統(tǒng)高速大型加工中心實現(xiàn)。該機床的進給系統(tǒng)為直線導軌和齒輪齒條傳動,工作臺最大進給速度60m/min,快速行程100m/min,加速度2g,主軸最高轉速20000r/min,主電機功率80kW。其
13、X軸的行程長達30m,切削25m長的磁浮軌道鋼梁誤差小于0.15mm,為磁懸浮列車工程的順利竣工提供了有力的技術保證。</p><p> 此外,機床的運動性能也將直接影響加工效率和加工精度。在模具及自由曲面的高速切削加工中,主要釆用小切深大進給的加工方法。要求機床在大進給速度條件下,應具有高精度定位功能和高精度插補功能,特別是圓弧高精度插補。圓弧加工是釆用立銑刀或螺紋刀具加工零部件或模具時,必不可少的加工方法。
14、</p><p> 刀具材料的發(fā)展:高速切削技術發(fā)展的歷史,也就是刀具材料不斷進步的歷史。高速切削的代表性刀具材料是立方氮化硼(CBN)。端面銑削使用CBN刀具時,其切削速度可高達5000m/min,主要用于灰口鑄鐵的切削加工。聚晶金剛石(PCD)刀具被稱之為21世紀的刀具,它特別適用于切削含有SiO2的鋁合金材料,而這種金屬材料重量輕、強度高,廣泛地應用于汽車、摩托車發(fā)動機、電子裝置的殼體、底座等方面。目前,
15、用聚晶金剛石刀具端面銑削鋁合金時,5000m/min的切削速度已達到實用化水平,此外陶瓷刀具也適用于灰口鑄鐵的高速切削加工;</p><p> 涂層刀具:CBN和金剛石刀具盡管具有很好的高速切削性能,但成本相對較高。釆用涂層技術能夠使切削刀具既價格低廉,又具有優(yōu)異性能,可有效降低加工成本。現(xiàn)在高速加工用的立銑刀,大都釆用Train系的復合多層涂鍍技術進行處理,如目前在對鋁合金或有色金屬材料進行干式切削時,DLC
16、(Diamond Like Carbon)涂層刀具就受到極大的關注,預計其巿場前景十分可觀;</p><p> 刀具夾持系統(tǒng):刀具的夾持系統(tǒng)是支撐高速切削的重要技術,目前使用最為廣泛的是兩面夾緊式工具系統(tǒng)。已作為商品正式投放巿場的兩面夾緊式工具系統(tǒng)主要有:HSK、KM、Big plus、NC5、AHO等系統(tǒng)。 </p><p> 在高速切削的情況下,刀具與夾具回轉平衡性能的優(yōu)劣,不僅影
17、響加工精度和刀具壽命,而且也會影響機床的使用壽命。因此,在選擇工具系統(tǒng)時,應盡量選用平衡性能良好的產(chǎn)品。</p><p> 高速加工的切削速度為常規(guī)切速的10倍左右。為了使刀具每齒進給量基本保持不變,以保證零件的加工精度、表面質(zhì)量和刀具的耐用度,則進給量也必須相應提高10倍左右,達到60m/min以上,有的甚至高達120m/min。因此,高速切削加工通常是釆用高轉速、大進給和小切深的切削工藝參數(shù)。由于高速切削的
18、切削余量往往很小,所形成的切屑很薄很輕,把切削時產(chǎn)生的熱量很快帶走;若釆用全新耐熱性更好的刀具材料和涂層,釆用干切削工藝也是高速切削加工的理想工藝方案。 </p><p> 用高速加工中心組成高效率的柔性生產(chǎn)線(FTL或FML),具有小型化、柔性突出以及易于變更加工內(nèi)容等顯著特點。圖2為上汽集團某發(fā)動機公司利用該生產(chǎn)線加工發(fā)動機機體、汽缸蓋、濾清器座等工件的實例。</p><p> 為
19、了盡快適應新車型的需要,汽車車身覆蓋件模具和樹脂防沖擋的成形模具等,均必須縮短制作周期和降低生產(chǎn)成本,因此,必須下大力推進模具生產(chǎn)高速化的進程。上汽集團所屬各公司認為:與過去的精加工相比,進一步實現(xiàn)高精度化;同時必須滿足表面粗糙度、彎曲度的精度要求,為此應施以適當?shù)氖止ぞ藜庸?,由于切削速度的極大提高,與過去的精加工工序相比,加工周期應大幅度縮短。</p><p> 為了發(fā)揮以車削加工中心和鏜銑類加工中心為代表
21、能車刀、銑刀、鏜銑刀、鉆銑刀、鉆-銑螺紋-倒角等刀具。與此同時,在批量生產(chǎn)線上,使用針對工藝需要開發(fā)的專用刀具、復合刀具或智能刀具,可以提高加工效率和精度,減少投資。在高速切削條件下,有的專用刀具可將零件的加工時間降至原來的1/10以下,效果十分顯著。</p><p> 高速切削具有相當多的好處,例如:有大量材料需要切除的工件,具有超細、薄結構的工件,傳統(tǒng)上需要花相當長的機動工時加工的工件以及設計變更快速、產(chǎn)品
22、周期短的工件,均能顯示出高速切削所帶來的優(yōu)點。</p><p><b> 附件2:外文原文</b></p><p> High-speed machining and demand for the development</p><p> High-speed machining is contemporary advanced manu
23、facturing technology an important component of the high-efficiency, High-precision and high surface quality, and other features. This article presents the technical definition of the current state of development of China
24、's application fields and the demand situation. </p><p> High-speed machining is oriented to the 21st century a new high-tech, high-efficiency, High-precision and high surface quality as a basic feature
25、, in the automobile industry, aerospace, Die Manufacturing and instrumentation industries gained increasingly widespread application, and has made significant technical and economic benefits. Contemporary advanced manufa
26、cturing technology an important component part.</p><p> HSC is to achieve high efficiency of the core technology manufacturers, intensive processes and equipment packaged so that it has high production effi
27、ciency. It can be said that the high-speed machining is an increase in the quantity of equipment significantly improve processing efficiency essential to the technology. High-speed machining is the major advantages: impr
28、ove production efficiency, improve accuracy and reduce the processing of cutting resistance.</p><p> The high-speed machining of meaning, at present there is no uniform understanding; there are generally se
29、veral points as follows: high cutting speed. usually faster than that of their normal cutting 5 -10 times; machine tool spindle speed high, generally spindle speed in -20000r/min above 10,000 for high-speed cutting; Feed
30、 at high velocity, usually 15 -50m/min up to 90m/min; For different cutting materials and the wiring used the tool material, high-speed cutting the meaning is not necessarily </p><p> 1992. Germany, the Dar
31、mstadt University of Technology, Professor H. Schulz in the 52nd on the increase of high-speed cutting for the concept and the scope, as shown in Figure 1. Think different cutting targets, shown in the figure of the tran
32、sition area (Transition), to be what is commonly called the high-speed cutting, This is also the time of metal cutting process related to the technical staff are looking forward to, or is expected to achieve the cutting
33、speed.</p><p> High-speed machining of machine tools, knives and cutting process and other aspects specific requirements. Several were from the following aspects: high-speed machining technology development
34、 status and trends.</p><p> At this stage, in order to achieve high-speed machining, general wiring with high flexibility of high-speed CNC machine tools, machining centers, by using a dedicated high-speed
35、milling, drilling. These equipment in common is: We must also have high-speed and high-speed spindle system feeding system, Cutting can be achieved in high-speed process. High-speed cutting with the traditional cutting t
36、he biggest difference is that "Machine-tool-work piece" the dynamic characteristics of cutting perform</p><p> In the high-speed cutting, material removal rate (Metal Removal Rate, MRR), unit time
37、 that the material was removed volume, usually based on the "machine-tool-work piece" whether Processing System "chatter." Therefore, in order to satisfy the high-speed machining needs, we must first
38、improve the static and dynamic stiffness of machine spindle is particularly the stiffness characteristics. HSC reason at this stage to be successful, a very crucial factor is the dynamic characteristics of the maste</
39、p><p> In order to better describe the machine spindle stiffness characteristics of the project presented new dimensionless parameter - DN value, used for the evaluation of the machine tool spindle structure o
40、n the high-speed machining of adaptability. DN value of the so-called "axis diameter per minute speed with the product" The newly developed spindle machining center DN values have been great over one million. T
41、o reduce the weight bearing, but also with an array of steel products than to the much m</p><p> Feed the machine sector, high-speed machining used in the feed drive is usually larger lead, multiple high-sp
42、eed ball screw and ball array of small-diameter silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramic ball, to reduce its centrifugal and gyroscopic torque; By using hollow-cooling technology to reduce operating at high speed ball screw as te
43、mperature generated by the friction between the lead screw and thermal deformation.</p><p> In recent years, the use of linear motor-driven high-speed system of up to'''' Such feed system ha
44、s removed the motor from workstations to Slide in the middle of all mechanical transmission links, Implementation of Machine Tool Feed System of zero transmission. Because no linear motor rotating components from the rol
45、e of centrifugal force can greatly increase the feed rate Linear Motor another major advantage of the trip is unrestricted. The linear motor is a very time for a continuous machine s</p><p> 2002 world-reno
46、wned Shanghai Purdon maglev train project of maglev track steel processing, Using the Shenyang Machine Tool Group Holdings Limited McNair friendship company production plants into extra-long high-speed system for large-s
47、cale processing centers achieve The machine feeding system for the linear guide and rack gear drive, the largest table feed rate of 60 m / min, Quick trip of 100 m / min, 2 g acceleration, maximum speed spindle 20000 r /
48、 min, the main motor power 80 kW. X-axis dist</p><p> In addition, the campaign machine performance will also directly affect the processing efficiency and accuracy of processing. Mold and the free surface
49、of high-speed machining, the main wiring with small cut deep into methods for processing Machine requirements in the feed rate conditions, should have high-precision positioning functions and high-precision interpolation
50、 function, especially high-precision arc interpolation. Arc processing is to adopt legislation or thread milling cutter mold or </p><p> Cutting Tools Tool Material development </p><p> High-s
51、peed cutting and technological development of the history, tool material is continuous progress of history. The representation of high-speed cutting tool material is cubic boron nitride (CBN). Face Milling Cutter use of
52、CBN, its cutting speed can be as high as 5000 m / min, mainly for the gray cast iron machining. Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) has been described as a tool of the 21st century tool, It is particularly applicable to the cu
53、tting aluminum alloy containing silica material, which</p><p> Tool Coating:CBN and diamond cutter, despite good high-speed performance, but the cost is relatively high. Using the coating technology to make
54、 cutting tool is the low price, with excellent mechanical properties, which can effectively reduce the cost. Now high-speed processing of milling cutter, with most of the wiring between the Ti-A1-N composite technology f
55、or the way of multi-processing, If present in the non-ferrous metal or alloy material dry cutting, DLC (Diamond like Carbon) coating on t</p><p> Tool clamping system: Tool clamping system to support high-s
56、peed cutting is an important technology, currently the most widely used is a two-faced tool clamping system. Has been formally invested as a commodity market at the same clamping tool system is: HSK, Kaman a big plus. NC
57、5 AHO systems </p><p> In the high-speed machining, tool and fixture rotary performance of the balance not only affects the precision machining and tool life. It will also affect the life of machine tools.
58、So, the choice of tool system, it should be a balanced selection of good products. </p><p> Process Parameters </p><p> Cutting speed of high-speed processing of conventional shear velocity of
59、 about 10 times For every tooth cutter feed rate remained basically unchanged, to guarantee parts machining precision, surface quality and durability of the tool, Feed volume will also be a corresponding increase about 1
60、0 times, reaching 60 m / min, Some even as high as 120 m / min. Therefore, high-speed machining is usually precluded the use of high-speed, feed and depth of cut small cutting parameters. Due to the high-spee</p>
61、<p> High-speed machining field of application</p><p> Flexible efficient production line</p><p> To adapt to the needs of new models, auto body panel molds and resin-prevention block th
62、e forming die. Must shorten the production cycle and reduce the cost of production and, therefore, we must make great efforts to promote the production of high-speed die in the process. SAIC affiliated with the company t
63、hat: Compared to the past, finishing, further precision; the same time, the surface roughness must be met, the bending of precision, this should be subject to appropriate intensive manual proc</p><p> To pl
64、ay for machining centers and boring and milling machining center category represented by the high-speed machining technology and automatic tool change function of distinctions Potential to improve processing efficiency,
65、the processing of complex parts used to be concentrated as much as possible the wiring process, that is a fixture in achieving multiple processes centralized processing and dilute the traditional cars, milling, boring, T
66、hread processing different cutting the limits of techno</p><p> HSC has a lot of advantages such as: a large number of materials required resection of the work piece with ultra fine, thin structure of the w
67、ork piece, Traditionally, the need to spend very long hours for processing mobile work piece and the design of rapid change, short product life cycle of the work piece, able to demonstrate high-speed cutting brought adva
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- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求
- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求
- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求
- 外文翻譯---高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求
- 外文翻譯-- 高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求.doc
- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求.doc
- 外文翻譯-- 高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求.doc
- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求.doc
- 外文翻譯-- 高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求.doc
- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求(有word版).pdf
- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求(有word版).pdf
- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求(有word版).pdf
- 外文翻譯=高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求=中文3300字機械制造
- 中英文翻譯高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求
- 機械加工專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計外文資料翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求
- 機械設計專業(yè)畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯--高速切削加工的發(fā)展及需求
- 外文翻譯---高速切削加工在模具制造中的新應用
- 外文翻譯--高速切削加工在模具制造中的新應用
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