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1、 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLEThis article was downloaded by: [Universiteit van Amsterdam] On: 23 September 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 907217973] Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered

2、 in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37- 41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKInternational Journal of Housing Policy International Journal of Housing Policy Publication de

3、tails, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713700559Changing Housing Policy Landscapes in Asia Pacific Changing Housing Policy Landscapes in As

4、ia Pacific Richard Ronaldabc; Rebecca L. H. Chiuda Urban Studies, Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands b OTB Research Institute, Delft Universi

5、ty of Technology, the Netherlands c Department of Housing Chiu, 2008; Doling, 1999; Forrest Groves et al., 2007; Ronald, 2007). In recent years however, social, economic and political conditions have shifted, transform

6、ing the landscape of housing policy and, in many cases, undermining the efficacy of housing policy practices. This special issue draws attention to key contextual changes and housing policy responses in the Asia Pacific

7、region in recent years. While the region is diverse, we focus on the more developed economies, which provide considerable insight into the new terrain and emerging priorities in housing. There have been key events and tr

8、ends in the last decade or so which have reshaped housing and socioeconomic conditions. The most notable of these has been the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997/98, which undermined economic growth and housing mar- ket stab

9、ility. There is also the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 which again drove a drop in housing markets and GDP growth, notwithstanding a more rapid recovery in the region. There have also been demographic shifts with, in m

10、ost cases, declining fertility rates and increasing longevity. Rapidly ageing populations along with inten- sive urbanisation are reshaping the constitution and needs of households, stretching public resources. Housing c

11、onditions have been further transformed by; on the one hand, external pressures to deregulate markets in line with global neo-liberalisation, and on the other, greater internal democratic contestation, which has pressed

12、many governments to expand public provision. Housing policy has been subject to these ostensibly contradictory trends in the context of a relatively volatile period of eco- nomic recovery. One notable outcome has been th

13、at provision of affordable housing, by the state or otherwise, has experienced resurgence in policy agendas. In the rest of this introduction to the issue we elaborate further on these transfor- mations as a means to pro

14、vide a context for understanding the contribution of each article. Although most papers are concerned with, and provide a focus on, particular national contexts, one provides a more comparative perspective. Common to all

15、 is a concern with the changing landscape of housing over the recent troubled period and how diverse urban, political and socioeconomic situations are shaping, and being shaped by, housing systems and policy responses. T

16、ogether, these articles provide an illustrative overview of conditions in the region.The Context of TransformationHousing policy modes in Asia Pacific have been quite diverse. Various institutional constellations and com

17、binations of private and public elements have established di- verse policy development pathways (see Chiu, 2008). Nonetheless, in the last decades of the last century, the focus of policy interventions had consolidated a

18、round inten- sified commodification and marketisation of housing, although state intercessions were comparatively deep. This approach aligned with both the economic objectives of development-orientated states that sought


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